
H.Young Structures Ltd facilities include estimating, design, detailing, fabrication, surface finishing, and erection.

Facilities: Fabrication

Fabrication is carried out in accordance with our documented Quality Assurance procedures and to ISO 9001.

Steelwork is fabricated in accordance with the Engineers specification and/or the BCSA National Structural Steelwork Specification for Building Construction (NSSS).

Welders are qualified to BS EN ISO 9606-1 and welding procedures qualify to BS EN ISO 15609-1.

Weld testing is carried out by an independent testing company.

Environmental Management within our fabrication facilities is audited by our ISO 14001 certicification.

Workshop occupational health and safety is managed by our ISO 45001 certification.



Our fabrication workshops contain automated CNC drilling, sawing and fittings machinery.

The machines are linked directly to the drawing office detailing system for seamless transition of information.

Fabrication is complemented by our in-house blast-cleaning and painting facilities.

Fabrication is completed on a ‘just in time’ basis to suit the on-site erection sequence, and current ‘Fast-Track’ construction methods.

Our workshop has a certified factory production control system (FPC), allowing us to UKCA mark our fabricated steelwork from EXC1 to EXC4. Execution Class 1 which gives the lowest set of requirements to Execution Class 4 which gives a higher, more stringent set of requirements. 

H. Young Structures are accredited to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001.